A website designed and developed for Hôtel Amirauté in La Baule. Additionally, we created a promotional video and conducted a photo shoot, which are featured on the website. The project aimed to showcase the hotel's offerings and provide an immersive experience for potential guests.
During my time at Haus Division, I had the privilege of being part of a collaborative effort to design the branding for Hestia, a distinguished real estate agency situated in the picturesque region of Normandy. This experience allowed me to channel my creative energy into crafting a visual identity that resonated with Hestia's unique essence and values, contributing to a successful and impactful brand representation.
As part of my work at Haus Division, I had the opportunity to contribute to a project for Altitude Infra. Initially, we created a promo video for them, which turned out to be successful. Recently, Altitude Infra approached me again, requesting an adaptation of the video to incorporate their new Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and other changes that would give it a more timeless quality.