During the pandemic, I worked on a visually experimental short-film, produced in an improvised studio and with very low resources. The film explored the complex layers of dissociation that occur during trauma responses associated with PTSD. Simultaneously, it sought to illustrate the transformative power of pain, highlighting how we can channel it into creativity and create our own freedom. In an abstract manner, the film drew parallels between our human experience and the creative forces of nature. It emphasized that just as nature is inherently creative, so too are we as individuals. By delving into the depths of dissociation and the subsequent journey towards healing and self-expression, the film aimed to inspire viewers to recognize their own innate creative potential.
A little teaser for our future showreel coming later, the video showcases something quite clear for our team: We came here to stay ! Deal with it !
A video I directed and edited along with Haus Division to promote the Launch of Amirauté La Baule - we also have worked on two photoshoots and a one of a kind website also designed and developed by ourselves.