Nathan's Second Manifesto

Nathan Soares
Détails du projet
Project Details
    Nom du projet
    Nathan's Second Manifesto
  • Client
    Nathan Soares
Synthèse du projet
Project Overview
This is my second manifesto, but I decided to make it in a video format this time . Through abstract visuals and evocative narration, I invite you to witness the essence of my role as an art director. Delving into the depths of creativity, I craft visual symphonies that transcend reality and ignite imagination.
Audiovisual Production
Creative Direction
    Nathan's Second Manifesto
  • Client
    Nathan Soares
    Audiovisual Production
    Creative Direction
  • Summary

    This is my second manifesto, but I decided to make it in a video format this time . Through abstract visuals and evocative narration, I invite you to witness the essence of my role as an art director. Delving into the depths of creativity, I craft visual symphonies that transcend reality and ignite imagination.

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Audiovisual Production
Creative Direction

Nathan's Second Manifesto

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